Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Shy people are often intelligent, creative individuals, with highly active imaginations. Their minds work overtime manufacturing imagined catastrophes which seldom occur.Most of us have occasion to blush, feel our hearts pounding, or find 'butterflies' in our stomachs. Not-shy people accept these reactions as mild discomfort and look to the positive aspects of what might happen later--having a good conversation with the minister at the church social, getting the right directions from a French gendarme, learning the latest dance step. Shy people, however, tend to concentrate on these physical symptoms. In fact, sometimes they don't even wait to get into a situation that might make them feel shy. They experience the symptoms in advance, and thinking only of disaster, decide to avoid the church social or the tour to Paris or the dance.In noting what shyness is, we also need to point out what it is not. Many assume that being shy is the same as being introverted. While introverts are sometimes shy, shyness and introversion are not the same, nor do they always occur together. Introverts are people who, to put it simply, enjoy being alone. They treasure time alone above time with people. They may be very good in relating with people; they may be lots of fun. Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny and Destiny can never be changed...PRODIGY(W.G.F.F)

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