Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Africa gave civilization to the world through her unique creative ideas such as the Egyptian Pyramids but as I watch the trend of global events daily, my heart aches as I discover that the one who gave the civilization is the last on the queue of relevence.
Statistics has it that Africa has only about 0.1% content representation on the Internet! But hope lies ahead because, for example, African modes of creative expression are receiving attention as the whole world seeks to understand the thinking of Africans who are responsilble for and support developments in the continent and in the world at large.
The dynamic quality of our traditions, the subtlety of our skill in ordering human relations, and adaptability to change, are increasingly being recognised. Fortunately, I'm part of the
African Youth Initiative, so I know what I'm talking about... Viva Africa! Below is a poetic work by David Diop that captures the not-too-common information on our continent, the continent called AFRICA.

AFRICA David Diop

Africa my Africa Africa of proud warriors in anscestral savannas Africa of my grandmother's singingAlong the banks of her far-off river I have never known you But my gaze is charged with your blood Your beautiful black blood spread abroad over the fields The blood of your sweat The sweat of your labour The labour of your slavery The slavery of your children. Africa tell me Africa Is it you, then, this back that bends And sinks under the weight of humility This trembling striped back That says yes to the whips on the noonday roads?
Then a gravely voice answered me: Impetuous son, that young and robust tree That tree over there Splendidly alone midst white faded flowers It is Africa your Africa that springs up again Springs up patiently obstinately And whose fruits ripen with The bitter flavour of freedom.

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